Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Letter to me,10 years to come

           letter to me, 10 years to come.

 Hi, I, 10 years to come. I, I aged 19 years of writing. well, I feel like it live with long Yes, 29 years, when I read this paper again 😊I, bahagiakah you in the future? i'm happy Loh in this period. can not be said to be completely happy indeed, but at least I eat enough, had a home, has clothes, had a family, had a person who loved. Yes, I felt I richer than a lot of the world's population. I also had a problem Kok right now. do not think bother about problems in the future, Yes, I. remember, every problem has the solution respectively. submit all to God, and we just need to create something that we think the right and if you can, not hurt anyone. I, I believe in you. I aged 29 years should older than me right now. eh, me. I am curious. already menikahkah you? Ah ~ diumur 30, should you married, already had a good wife, children's funny and life established. it I don't wait to see me in the period of 10 years to come!: D who Yaa his wife ~ what kind of his ~ continue to how the process, until he could be a wife you? Ah, impatient. should I that diumur 29, answer my question now. promise Yes!: D continued .. work as what you? what my dream work in the world i.t achieved? what my dream go to Spain achieved? Wah ~ it I truly impatiently, look at me, 10 years more, read this letter back. view and tell whether-resolution resolusiku achieved. anyway, I, blessed. life is too short to unhappy. many obstacles to block, it is clear. but don't make the burden of mind. remember, love the money is the root of all the action evil. written in the Bible. so, I, I know you would bear pretty much the burden in the future. but don't let the burdens it destroy you, let alone other people, especially your family. when the financial not running like what you want, pray and try harder. possible, as I later reading this article, I would say, "easy for me aged 19 years say it, but now, the case may not like that!" remember me. today I have a God who love to me, matter to me. and I believe, 10 years again, his love will remain the same, will not be changed. maybe your wife later are annoying. who be ordered to select the annoying?😜 when will probably the word 'split' or you big fight, remember back why you come together. remember back why you in love. remember back things happy that you live both. remember back, happiness when you find each other. the most obvious, remember your children. not much can I say more. clearly, Hey, 29-year-old-me, you are great. and I will always be proud of you. do what you like, and never regret. many things that not achieved only because there is done. be brave, challenge of life. stop doing the best, start doing the very best (stop do our best, ranging do our best). remember God never leave US. bersandarlah on him. already Yes. i'm confused what should I write again. anyway, I am proud to you 😊 greetings warm from the past for the future good. I love you. God's love you. family love you. him, love you😍

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